Going Away to College? Make Sure You Have Everything You Need to Make a Smooth Transition!

You've taken your senior pictures, tried on your cap and gown, and taken your final exams. You're nearly ready to celebrate one of life's major milestones. High school graduation is the culmination of 12 years of hard work. In a few weeks, you'll be embarking on a new adventure - college!

Many of you will soon be trading in the comforts of home for a cramped dorm room. You're probably excited and eager to take this next step in life. But Mom and Dad won't be around anymore to take care of the boring essentials. It will all be up to you. Whether you're packing everything into the car or going on a shopping trip once you get to school, it's smart to plan ahead and make a list of everything you'll need to make your dorm room your new home.

Dorm Life Checklist:

School Supplies

You can buy them at the college bookstore, but they may be a little pricier than what you can get at big box retailers like Kmart, Target, and Walmart. If you can, stock up on notebooks, binders, organizational tools and other supplies before you get to college.


Don't forget the lamp and alarm clock. You need to study and get to class on time! A good lamp and clock are musts.


Between class, studying, and hanging out with friends, you'll need to get a good night's sleep. Stay cozy and bring along sheets, blankets, and pillows.


Avoid the dreaded freshman 15 and skip the delivery pizza every night! Bring along a small microwave and refrigerator. Plan on bringing cookware, dishes, and eating utensils. Zap quick meals in the microwave and forgo the costs and calories of fast food.

There's nothing like a freshly brewed cup of java to get you going in the morning after a late-night study session! A coffeemaker will reduce the number of trips to expensive coffee shops and save money.


Stay clean and healthy. Pick up the bathroom essentials: towels, bandages, antiseptic, cotton balls, pain reliever, antiperspirant, shampoo, lotion, soap, and shaving supplies. Bypass shower germs and invest in a pair of shower shoes for communal bathrooms.

Cleaning Supplies

Mom won't be around to clean your room. Make sure you have an all-purpose cleaner on hand for life's little messes. And don't forget the laundry detergent!

Laundry Bag

Part of being a grownup is doing your own laundry. Mom wants to see you when you come home from college, not your dirty laundry! Do your roommate a favor and keep dirty clothes out of sight in a laundry bag or basket.


Unless you are a total geek, you probably won't be spending your entire time at college studying. A TV might help you decompress after a stressful day.


Your dorm room will be a reflection of you. Accessorize your room with decorations and items from home that reflect your personal style. You may want to leave quick notes to your roommate or reminders to yourself. A decorative dry-erase board is the perfect solution for keeping each other in the loop.


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