Creating Success From a Disadvantaged Past - Wealth Builders

"I believe the greater the handicap, the greater the triumph."
- John H. Johnson

So often, success is spoken of as some definite set of achievements or place to arrive at. Success if actually quite relative. Before you are so quick to judge where you are right now in relation to where you would like to be, first take into consideration all that you have had to overcome just to make it to this point.

A better measure of success is not just the bottom line picture of where you are or even what you have, but how far you have come and how much you have developed relative to where you started.

Life isn't fair, and some people are just given more to work with than others based on what family they are born into, what opportunities have been afforded to them, or even what they look like.

One of the keys to your success will be to not allow yourself to be focused on what others have or how you may feel disadvantaged in one way or another. Instead, be laser-focused on using what you DO have to advance you closer to your goals.

Bigger and better success will come soon enough with continued personal development, hard work, and rock-solid commitment to the dream that you are creating as a reality in your life. If you will continue to do that, you will eventually make up for any disadvantage you started out with and level the playing field for success vs. anybody out there.

In the meantime, celebrate yourself for those obstacles and set backs that you have already had to triumph over just to BE here in this game at this point in time.


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