Positive Self Image - 4 Powerful Ways to Improve Your Self Image

It's a well known principle that you can't outperform your self image, which is why a lot of people fail at their goals. They just don't see themselves as deserving or capable, because they are handicapped by their past experiences and opinions about themselves and their abilities.

1. Imaginary rehearsal of your new self. This is what underlines the power of visualization, and sayings such as "if you can dream it, you can be it." Scientists have proven again and again that the brain processes cannot distinguish events that happen in the real world or in your imagination and dreams. Start saying "I AM an author", instead of "one day I want to be an author" (or whatever it is that you want to be).

2. Celebrate victories - past and present. You don't have to wait until you have the prize in hand before you start being the leader of your own cheer squad. Remember to give yourself credit where credit is due. Say to yourself; I am a person who has demonstrated many times that I can do what I set my mind to do, and I continue to succeed in progressing towards my goal.

3. Self discipline. This is where the dreamer transitions into the doer. When you commit to action, and follow it through on a consistent basis, you keep proving to yourself again and again that you are moving towards your goal.

4. Get a second opinion. I always had an idea that I was lazy, because I always tried to rush through my chores at home so I could spend time doing what I really wanted to be doing - usually reading. It wasn't until one of my early mentors mentioned that I was one of the most driven and motivated people he had ever come across, that I even considered that I mightn't be as lazy as I had always assumed. I may not share the same values as the people who influence your self-opinion, and nor may you. Consider getting someone you trust and whose opinions you value to give you some feedback on some of your harshest self-criticisms.


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