Are You Knitting?
Most of us have had the experience of praying for something that just didn't happen, despite grazed knees from all the grovelling, or visualising something that just didn't materialise, despite a whole armory of affirmations. Does this mean we just weren't positive enough, faithful enough, aligned enough or could there be other reasons why (to put it bluntly) we don't always get what we want?
Contrary to what some popular spiritual teachings are proposing, our divinity is not a personal online shopper who receives an order from us, fills it out to our demand and delivers it a couple of days later. I agree that that's kind of fun, but that's why Woolworths exists, not God. What exactly, do you think, is the grand meaning of human existence if all we are doing here is, well, shopping? I'm all for making dreams come true and embodying our desires, but that is the vehicle of human existence, not the purpose. Let me expand on that subtle, but significant distinction.
That car / wellness centre / full body massage / new Alanis Morissette CD (I hope my husband is reading this) that you want is part (and hopefully only part) of your desire. Our desires are encoded in our DNA (the readings call them 'the voice of your divinity') and are very worthy of our attention. Our desires, or visions, drive us forward, give us focus, they essentially carve out what would otherwise be an undefined life. But actually getting them, or achieving them, is not really the point. Ask any world-weary celebrity or billionaire (even Mother Theresa if you read her personal letters) if getting and doing everything that you want makes you happy for ever after.
It is who we become in the process of making our dreams come true that is important, not so much the dreams themselves. The masterpiece we are creating is ourselves, not our lives, despite so much current focus on having it all, reaching goals, making dreams come true. A spectacular life, even one focused on service or spiritual upliftment, does not mean much to someone who cannot love the self they have become in the process. And that self is of course the only thing that travels beyond this temporary world we live in, the rest is illusion.
That is why our divinity is far more focused on the process of reaching our dreams than the dreams themselves. The universe, or God, or your higher self (I promise it doesn't mind what you call it) is interested in how you develop and expand as you go about creating what you want. As such, it's far more likely that your visualisations of your dream job will be answered by providing you with tools, insights and growth opportunities rather than the job itself just landing at your feet.
This has been sweetly explained in the readings using two different analogies. One was the image of a magic carpet. There are always magic carpets around for us (i.e. vehicles for making dreams coming true) but if you can remember seeing a magic carpet arrive next to someone, it never lands completely flat on the ground next to their feet. Instead it hovers just above the ground, requiring them to step up if they wish to use it. The solutions to our problems or the next steps to our dreams are always available but they will require us to step up in some way (to our fears, our truth, our talent, new levels of commitment etc) because that's the point! The aim of this game of life is our stepping up, not really what we get as a result.
I'll conclude with the second, symbolic, illustration of this understanding from someone's reading, which puts it beautifully:
"You keep on asking for a jersey [substitute lover / published book / full bank account]. We've given you 50 balls of wool already.............................why aren't you knitting?"
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