SEO is Immortal

Web Pro News covers these three topics on a regular basis, so most of you know how social media is evolving and perhaps you have read that social media is expected to replace SEO in the next few years.

The so-called "experts" are saying that social media users who post links are going to replace SEO. I have news for them, it ain't happening!

Google has website crawlers that pull keywords from all websites in the world to index in their search results. Keywords from each page are then placed into categorized buckets held in their data centers. The keywords in the buckets are then used to present search results when a Google search engine user enters a search query. At this point, the indexing process is not about any single website. It is about content, and as we all know, content is king.

What does social media have that SEO doesn't?

Twitter was founded by former Google employees and intended to be a search engine for the people and by the people around the world. Notice I said the word "search engine". What does SEO stand for? Search Engine Optimization. Twitter serves its purpose quite nicely, but it doesn't do what Google does. It doesn't present content in the same way that Google search results do. Twitter is a content aggregator. It serves content so Google can index it. Twitter doesn't index all website content. It will index a back link, and whatever else a user inserts into their 140 character limit. Twitter is fantastic at breaking news and offers real time search results. Ultimately, Twitter is a great addition to Google search results.

Facebook offers the same kind of result as Twitter. Facebook can show you search results that come directly from its website but not other websites. Yes, you can find snippets of website content in its results but its main purpose is to keep you on their website, engaged in their content, and it does a pretty darn good job at that. In fact, it does better than anyone else, including Google.

Google AdWords is about bidding on keywords. In order to get your Google Ads to appear for the paid keywords you select, you must have keywords inserted into your website copy. Google AdWords is the reason why Google has the best search engine in the world. Keywords are important to Google revenue and just as important to business owners. Have you ever wondered why Google offers analytics for free? Google wants to help businesses become more efficient by offering them an effective solution for analyzing website traffic to determine what paid keywords (AdWords) are converting to leads. If a Google AdWords campaign is not maximizing return on investment, then Google isn't going to be maximizing their return on investment in the long run. Google's maximum ROI is dependent on a customer because if they go out of business due to poor performance, then Google loses cash flow.

SEO is about optimizing web pages where you send paid/non paid traffic. Companies are constantly writing new web pages that specifically feature their targeted keyword phrases.

Before any company decides to put up a website, they have to narrow their business model down to five specific keyword phrases that best define them. Once they have those top five keyword phrases, they must create a keyword tree for each phrase. Each keyword phrase could end up breaking down to 100 keywords. Choosing the most profitable five keywords can either make a company a ton of money, or put them in the red.

What would our web be like if we didn't have Google AdWords?

If we don't have Google AdWords, then we don't have an efficient search engine; because, if you aren't bidding on keywords then what are you bidding on? Banner ad positioning on Facebook and Twitter? That's like not having a library's catalog to search for a book and replacing it by having only the best sellers in the library. Whoever pays the most money to get top banner ad position will be the one advertising the library.

Most marketers aren't spending money to send traffic to their Facebook. The larger majority send paid traffic to their website. Think about it, why would I want to pay to send traffic to my Facebook profile where there are several chances for the visitor to leave my profile and not convert into a lead? Facebook is an easily distracted environment. Your website is engaging and focuses on one thing: your niche. No random IM requests, no Farmville to take care of, no "which celebrity do I resemble?" quizzes. Having a website with keyword rich, optimized content is required if you want to maximize your return on investment.

SEO specialists serve content to search engines with top converting keywords so you receive links to the associated content in search results.

Search Engine Optimization is about everything. If you want your message to get to targeted visitors, it doesn't matter what site you use: Google, Twitter or Facebook. You have to choose the right keywords in order to effectively bring targeted visitors to your content.

Aside from how Facebook, Twitter and Google display content, Google AdWords is the number one reason why SEO is immortal. Social media is a dominant force but so is Google AdWords. They both offer a service that is uniquely different from one another.

Now, I want you to completely forget about everything I just said. Think about all of these websites: Google, Facebook and Twitter. They all have one thing in common: they all need SEO. They all need someone to research keywords to use in writing website copy and acquiring back links from related websites. And then go back to FarmVille.

Having read this article by now you should have a greater understanding of not only SEO, social media and Google AdWords, but the reason why keywords are so important. Keywords are what makeup all three of these areas of marketing and they are all dependent on each other in order to make our internet better. We couldn't have Twitter if we didn't have Google, and we couldn't have Facebook if we didn't have Google. Google is Facebook's number one competitor and with competition comes innovation, which in turn makes our web experience better. Innovation is about having one good idea and that idea is a keyword. SEO is all about keywords.


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