Getting Rid of Your Belly Fat - Why Doing Abdominal Crunches Alone Does Not Work

Have you been frustrated at the lack of results from the hundreds of abdominal crunches you have been doing lately? If you feel like there is just NO getting rid of your belly fat, perhaps your workout routine needs a bit of a tweak.

Doing abdominal crunches is definitely important to having your own personal "6-pack", so don't interpret this as a licence to quit your sit-ups. Far from it. But, did you know that even if you did hundreds and hundreds of sit-ups every day, you still would not get those "celebrity abs" you want if you neglect the rest of your body?

What you may need to add to your daily workout are more cardiovascular exercises. You will be amazed at how quickly the pounds drop off of your whole body INCLUDING your stomach area when you add a range of cardio exercises such as biking, jogging, rowing, or aerobics. Burning calories through cardio workouts burns off overall body fat to REVEAL those toned muscles for which you have been working so hard!

Cardio workouts also help boost your metabolism, which is great because a higher metabolism burns fat faster! And that fat that is sitting on your waist is something you really want gone, isn't it?

The best way to both get rid of your belly fat AND tone your muscles is to set up an exercise routine with intervals of cardio exercises and strength training exercises. For example, begin your workout with 5-10 minutes of light jogging, a quick walk, or a short bike ride. Then, focus for 10 minutes on your lower body, doing squats, leg lifts, and the like. Do another 10 minutes of cardio, then focus on strengthening your arms. Cardio again after that, and then focus on your upper body or midsection. Finish off with another 10 minute cardio set and a good stretch.

A work out such as the one described above will help you start seeing the results you want, and help you get rid of your belly fat for good. You may think that focusing on your legs or arms won't be helpful, but remember that all exercises require you to hold your core muscles firm, which is an exercise in itself.Just as your whole body is connected one muscle to the next, so your core will benefit from each part of your workout.


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