Organizing Systems to Get Rid of Your Clutter

Organizing systems to get rid of your clutter are essential to clutter free success. Getting clutter out of your home quickly eliminates second guessing your decisions and stops the clutter from drifting back into your home. Organizing the clutter you want to sell or give away and making a plan invites you to take action. Here are six categories of clutter and the systems you need to get them out of your life forever.

The first and perhaps the biggest category of clutter seems like a no brainer but it is all the stuff that needs to be thrown away. You may need a large garbage bag for any items that are broken, damaged, moldy, shabby, or outgrown. Organizing a large garbage pick up, having a friend help with disposal or hiring a tip are all options to remove this stuff immediately.

The next category is give away. You may have items that are too good to throw away and may know of a charity or a friend that would really appreciate second hand goods. Items such as good condition clothes and toys, books, home wares and items you never use are good choices for give away. Decide who would benefit from these gifts, bag them and deliver them as soon as possible. If you don't use it or love it let it go and make someone else happy.

The third category of clutter are the things that need a home. A lot of these items are used and loved but need better storage. Use labeled baskets or boxes to create designated places for things while you figure out your storage options or declutter some more.

The fourth category of clutter is repairs. This can include clothing, electrical gadgets, garden tools and games. Getting repairs done takes time and money. If you are not willing to do this put the item in the garbage bag. Tag each item with the estimated cost and time and make a list and decide what you are willing to do. Be realistic if you are not going to fix it throw it out.

The fifth category is selling. Do you have any items that would bring you some money? Get some friends together for a large garage sale and a social occasion. Set a date, make some signs and celebrate your clutter free success. Look in the phone book for second hand clothing shops, vintage stores or book sellers that will sell your pre-loved things for a commission. E-bay can be a good choice but you may have to factor in a learning curve for the systems and be prepared to mail things.

The sixth category is your maybe/emotional dilemma box. Sometimes this is a good place to put gifts you feel guilty about getting rid of, items you have spent a lot of money on and things you just are not sure about. This gives you a cooling off period. Make sure you reassess the item in a few weeks and decide to keep or let go.

Plan your exit strategy for your clutter and get it out of your home as quickly as possible for clutter free success.


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