6 Creative Ways to Promote Your Business

The use of brand names, logos and motifs has become an accepted way to promote business. Perhaps yours is a small business or non profit organisation with a limited budget. All that's needed is something different to catch the eye of the public. Be creative with your next promotional campaign by using some of these ideas and find an online printer that offers a booklet and flyer printing service.

Raffles - are a great way to promote your business and an accepted form of fundraising for charitable organisation. A successful raffle campaign could start with the following steps:

ïEUR Find a worthy cause - your local school, library or community group may be in need of assistance. Approach the committees and discuss your ideas.

Find sponsors - ring around the businesses in your area. You will be pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to invoke community spirit if you have the right cause.

ïEUR Raffle books printed - once the prizes have been guaranteed you can take the steps to get the raffle books printed. If you don't have a local printer that wants to support your effort there are great deals offered from online printers.

ïEUR Distribute raffle books - call on friends, family and staff members to take books home to sell. Approach local businesses and schools but remember to keep some aside to have handy at the shop counter.

Celebrate the day when you announce the prize winners - have flyers printed so people know at a glance about your raffle and when it will be drawn. Combine this day with a product sale or use it as a way to draw attention to your store.

Flyers - can be used for sales or special promotions. They are a cheaper alternative to brochure printing and can be distributed in letter boxes throughout the neighbourhood or left at various shops and businesses around town.

Promotion is all about telling the public about your products or services. A simple flyer may be all you need to give your business a lift.

Brochures - when you have a lot to promote, perhaps an end of season sale for instance go that extra mile and have some brochures printed. Brochure printing works best for getting your business noticed if they are produced in colour.

Posters - for your window front are a great way to publicise your business twenty four hours a day. This takes the advertising from inside your shop front so that people notice you outside of business hours as they walk past your shop. Poster printing can be quite inexpensive when used in conjunction with other printing jobs.

Stickers - think of a catchy slogan and hand out stickers with your logo or brand name every time you make a sale. Car bumper stickers give additional exposure. We can all attest to waiting at the lights and reading those slogans on the back of those cars in front.

Calendars - don't limit calendars for January to December. Financial year calendars can be useful for businesses too and make a nice gift while advertising that mid year or 30 June stock clearance sale. Post these to your valued customers or keep them handy at the counter to hand out with any of those larger sales.

The opportunities available for successfully promoting your business are within easy reach. A bit of thought and planning or maybe some brain storming with staff members and in next to no time your promotional campaign may well be set for the year ahead.


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