Is Your Website Built For One Time Visitors Or Repeat Visitors?

Just as you would want more customers visiting your business office daily, similarly you would want more visitors to visit your website online. The more visitors that come to your site, the higher are the chances that they would buy from your site. There are many elements that can be used to bring the visitors back to your website. This article unfolds the tools, tips and techniques that can be used to build visitor stickiness.

What's New Page

This page would comprise of the latest news and summaries of the latest services or products that are being offered on your website. The link of this page should not only be present on the home page but on all the pages of your website. This would help the visitors to easily identify what's new on your website and if the visitors find it interesting, they would repeatedly come to your site to check out what's new. By using permission marketing, you can ask the visitor if they would like to be notified by email when there is something new on the "what's new page".

Bookmarking Your Site

Motivate your visitors to add your website to their favorites or bookmarks. At a strategic point on all the pages of your website, display the call to action phrase "Bookmark This Page Now!" You will also need to ensure that the title of the page that has the "Bookmark This Page Now!" noticeably categorizes your website and its contents in an appealing way. This is because the title of the page appears as the description of the bookmark.

Freebies to Give Away

Offering something free to your visitors is a good method to increase website traffic. Every visitor would like a freebie. Especially if you change the freebie on a weekly basis you can generate a lot of repeat visits. Viral marketing can be of great advantage if you place a button called "Tell a Friend". This can be placed next to the freebie so that the visitor can also click on it to tell his friends about it.

Discounts and Coupons

Offer discount and coupon vouchers on your website for various products or services that can be easily printed by your visitor. These discounts and coupons can be changed on a weekly basis to increase repeat visits. When this strategy is used in combination with free samples or trail offers, its effect multiplies. For example, if the visitor has liked the sample, then you can offer the visitor a coupon or a discount so that they can buy the product or service from your website. If the visitor likes the product or service, then they will buy it again without using the discount or coupon. The strategic use of discounts and coupons can act as a perfect viral marketing opportunity. For example, "Email this Coupon to your Friend".

Free Samples or Trial Offers

You can make use of the traditional marketing approach of giving out free samples from your website of your products or services. You can then follow up with an email to inquire from the people whom you gave the sample to, about their experience with the product or service. You must direct the samplers back to your website to purchase the products or services by offering them a discount. You can make use of permission marketing here as well by asking the visitors if they would like to be notified by email when there is a new sample or a new trial offer.

Calendar of Events

Keeping a link on every page of your website on the calendar of events can increase repeat visits. This calendar of events can be used to keep your visitors informed as to what is coming up next on your website. However, the calendar of events needs to be complete and current.

Competitions and Contests

Competitions and contests are good strategies to build traffic. You can conduct a weekly or monthly competition on your website to build traffic. This would also act as a good source to capture the information of the clients who would like to participate in the contest or competition. The type of competition or contest that you would like to publicize would depend on your Internet marketing objective.

Online Chat Meetings

Online chat meetings are not only famous but can also be addictive. By having a chat forum on your site, make certain that you are focusing on your target market and the chat topic relates to your business. To increase the number of visitors, you can change the chat topic and also update the details of the online chat meetings in the Calendar of Events. You can also call upon a celebrity for the online chat meetings to discuss on a topic that relates to your business. The chat transcript can also be downloadable for those who missed out on the chat or who don't know how the chat went, and can get a real feel of it.


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