Blogging - Fun Or Business?

Blogging back when it started was thought to only be a passing fancy. But that idea has proven time and time again to be so untrue today. There are millions of bloggers online today and some are making tens of thousands of dollars a week doing it too. The viewpoint of the individual presented without bias and honesty is treasured by their readers by the millions.

There are really two areas the most blogs will slide into and they are the business blogs that are built to make money or just share information about a business. The other area is the fun blog written for pleasure and you may think that no money is made with this type of blog but you would be wrong.

When a blog is built for fun most often the blogger puts their heart and soul into it and the popularity of a great blog makes it turn out to be profitable. Just because it is designed to be fun and built for enjoyment don't think for a minute that there will not be money made from it.

Business Blogs

Business blogs are the perfect platform to promote a business or the businesses products or both. If you are wondering why this is true here is the answer. The business blog will be updated on a daily basis and the readership will be the first to know about new developments and new products. After all who do you know that does not want to be the first to know about something new?

For both types of blogs business and fun when built with quality and integrity grow virally because you have all the necessary factors working for you. The readership will tell others and other bloggers will make posts about the information on your blog and the attraction can grow beyond belief sometimes.

Use a popular or controversial subject or good information about a well know celebrity and one simple post can bring in millions and millions of new readers very fast.

It is also very important to not make people mad at you because the word spreads like wild fire and your readership drops off like a stone. Blogging with subscribers in the millions has become a great source of power in the world today.

Blogs do many things by getting people elected to public office. Blogs can make or break the popularity of a new movie release. Blogs even move new music into or out of the spotlight.

Considering all the possibilities available to the blogger when they can use words in the written format, audio and video can be added also. Let me tell you audio and video added to the business or fun blog is simple that most of you children are all ready doing it today.

Blogging fun or business possibilities that are available are endless. From personal or any one of billions of niche's there is a profitable blog subject to start or help you do anything you want to do.


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