The Fitness Industry Wants You to Stay Fat

It's confusing, isn't it? Well guess what, they want you to be confused, because like the old saying goes, "Confusion sells products."

If the fitness industry can keep you confused, they can keep you fat. And if they can keep you fat, they can continue to get richer and richer off you.

But you can end your confusion, right here, right now.

There is a very simple reason why you can't lose the fat and keep it off. Everything the fitness industry has told you up till now is WRONG. Really, you are overweight because you are relying on the wrong information to get fit.

Whether you are being blatantly lied to, or whether you are just being fed the wrong information by friends and family because they believe the lies, you are getting the wrong information, and that is why you are fat.

So let me take a minute, right now, to introduce you to the 5 Truths of Quick and Permanent Fat Loss.

Keep in mind that these five truths will probably contradict everything you've ever heard about fitness!

Weight Loss Truth #1: You need to lose fat, not weight. If you do lose any weight with any of the trendy diets and programs out there, you are actually losing water weight, not fat. You aren't getting any fact, you're actually getting dangerously dehydrated!

Weight Loss Truth #2: A low carb diet won't actually help you to lose fat in the long run because it will sap your body's energy and become impossible to stick to. And low fat diets are even worse, because they actually cause you to gain more weight. The only real way to lose fat is to eat the right foods in the right amounts, at the right times. It's easier than you think!

Weight Loss Truth #3: Long cardio workouts are the worst way to go about losing fat. You can burn five times as much fat doing certain exercises only 45 minutes per week...not per day, per week!

Weight Loss Truth #4: Those celebrity-endorsed boxed food diets are expensive and ineffective. You'll have to keep paying for months, and buy all your own vegetables. You'll end up spending hundreds of dollars each month and lose weight very slowly.

Weight Loss Truth #5: Restrictive diets and starving yourself are dangerous and don't work.

Now that you know these facts, you can see that your weight loss efforts were probably sabotaged before you even started!

But there is a better way.


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