Skin Care For Aging Skin - Discover Top Skin Care Lines That Prevent and Cure Wrinkles

When it comes to nourishing your skin to cure wrinkles, you deserve real top skin care lines, not ones trying to sell you an illusion through celebrity endorsements. There are numerous skin care lines, but how do you know which one is the best for you? This question can be answered only when you understand the cause of wrinkles and which products actually cure wrinkles without irritating your skin.

You need to look for products containing ingredients which stimulate production of significant proteins in the skin. Such products should have high levels of ingredients that stimulate the regrowth of collagen and elastin. Also, these products should contain high levels of antioxidants to neutralize the free radicals in your skin.

What are collagen and elastin? Collagen is a fibrous protein that defines the structure of your skin. As you get older, collagen begins to wear away, leaving you with wrinkles. Elastin is another significant protein. This protein retains the elasticity in your skin. With age this protein wears away, causing your skin to sag.

To restore these two proteins or to prevent them from wearing away quickly, it's important to use only top skin care lines that really work. Skin care lines to look for are ones that do not claim to put these proteins back into your skin instantly. These inferior skin care lines usually have collagen listed as an ingredient on their labels. But the problem with this is: collagen cannot penetrate your skin. Collagen molecules simply are too large to penetrate the epidermis.

Ingredients to look for are ones such as Cynergy TK. Such ingredients are not a quick but slowly stimulate the production of collagen without peeling your skin. Also, the effects of such ingredients have long-lasting effects and do not require you to use very costly procedures that can severely irritate your skin.

Phytessence Wakame and Natural Vitamin E are other ingredients to look for. These ingredients are potent antioxidants and replenish your skin with new cells while getting rid of free radicals. Free radicals eat up the healthy skin cells and cause collagen to break down. So, when looking for the top skin care lines, make sure they contain powerful antioxidants.

In your search, be sure to stay away from harmful ingredients like synthetic preservatives, parabens, harsh alcohols, and petroleum based substances. Many products claim to be high-quality according to misleading advertisements. In addition to the above ingredients, these products have a few good ingredients - just enough to entice you to buy them. But you do not have to fall for this. Use your knowledge to avoid these products. They could do more harm than good. Opt for products that are actually in the top skin care lines, instead.


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