Proper Weight Loss Takes Lots of Patience

Losing weight can be a big challenge. With the seemingly ever-increasing pace of life making it extra difficult to eat properly or get in a fair amount of exercise, the weight loss challenge has become even bigger. Sure you can try to put on the breaks and try to adhere to the rigidness of a new fad diet or extreme workout program, but the pace of life and the snacking and junk food temptations will still be there when you have finished the diet. The key to weight loss has more to do with changing simple habits, little by little. One such habit that deserves our attention and one that can make a huge difference in effecting weigh loss is patience.

You may be thinking what patience has got to do with weight loss. In this case, we are referring to patience when you are around food. Imagine that you have been invited to spend an evening with a group of friends. The host or hostess of the gathering has likely put out a variety of snack foods and spread then throughout the home.

Instead of diving right in and starting the non-stop automatic snacking that almost all of us engage in, make a point to wander about the premises and make mental notes of the kinds of snacks that have been put out. Rank the food in order as to which ones you think will taste the best.

An important piece of this strategy is not to play the denial game with yourself. Allow yourself the freedom to sample many of the delicious looking food items, just not right off the bat. With just a little restraint you will do wonders for your weight loss program.

Time is your ally in the patience department. Since the get together will most likely end at a fairly predictable time, you can assess when you are in the homestretch of the evening and simply begin to eat your favorite snacks at that time. You will have avoided the unnecessary over-snacking, but you will have not gone down the dangerous road of denial that almost always backfires in the end.

This kind of restraint can easily evolve into habit that can be exhibited in other venues as well. Many work places have periodic social functions that involve all the employees. These functions invariably include food in the picture. Some kind of lunch event, an after work awards ceremony, a holiday celebration - these are a few of many examples of where a little patience and restraint can go a long way toward keeping you on your weight loss road.

Again, don't dive in immediately and start gobbling everything in sight. Fortunately for us, these events typically last an hour or two, at the most. Your wait won't have to be that long. Go ahead and enjoy the various flavors like everybody else, just don't get a running start into the snack fest. Remember, it is always easier to wait to push the food accelerator than it is to put on the food brakes once you have developed a pretty good food eating head of steam.

The cumulative effect of your patience will be amazing. This is a kind of habit or strategy that you can incorporate as a permanent piece of your lifestyle. The weight loss will be gradual, but profound and permanent.


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