5 Questions That Reveal the Sales Culture in Your Company

One of the most important indicators of a company's financial success is the extent to which it has built a sales culture among its employees. Having every single employee feel a responsibility for doing their part to increase sales and profits energizes the enterprise on a daily basis.But how do you know if your company has a sales culture? Here...

Managing Safety in the Workplace

We need a completely new approach to managing safety in the workplace. Whilst we still have a very high rate of workplace accidents and incidents it is clear that previous initiatives have been limited in their ability to introduce change. After examining a range of current practices it has become clear that our attempts to change workplace safety...

Arizona and the 'Menace' of Ethnic Studies?

What gives in Arizona? First they reject the celebration of Martin Luther King Day; then the Arizona legislators submit a tough law targeting all who appear to be illegal immigrants; and now Governor Jan Brewer has signed a bill prohibiting the Tucson school district from offering certain types of ethnic studies in the high schools.The Associated...

Has Osteoarthritis Met Its Match in David Shuey?

Osteoarthritis (OA), also known as degenerative joint disease, is a chronic condition which involves the destruction of joint cartilage, resulting in stiffness, pain and limited or loss of movement in the affected joint(s). Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal canal that can be caused by one's osteoarthritis; it has symptoms such as numbness...

Top 3 Things News Editors Want to Buy From You!

The newspaper industry is losing millions of dollars of ad revenue to the online world which include blogs, cellphones and now the new iPad. Because of their financial losses newspapers are forced to reduce their staff dramatically. Some newspapers are even laying off all of their photographers and are using freelancers instead. Now this is bad...

Choosing a Cable TV Package Could Be a Tough Decision

If you are on a budget right now, how would you manage it when you are interested to purchase a single package on a cable provider? We'll, everybody knows how to manage their money in order to save something for the future. If you really want to watch cable TV on a cheap price only, then you're expected to have limited features on that package....

Enthusiasm Breeds Success

When you think about a recipe for your child's success I am sure there are many ingredients listed in your mind: get a good education, get involved, be around positive, influential people, etc. One of the most important things you can give your child to help him reach his goals is enthusiasm.Nobody ever succeeded at something by being apathetic...